Meet Lourdes…Or as we affectionally know her…Tia Lourdes. Lourdes is the wife of co-owner Samuel and sister to Sid. We have been through a lot over the years and I can honestly tell you, I have the utmost respect and praise for this woman. She played a HUGE role in the opening of this restaurant. Tia Lourdes took care of the little back while we were opening Victoria’s… Twenty Years Ago.
She lovingly cared for AND cooked amazing Mexican for them all. Then when she finished – She would go to the restaurant to do all those necessary, but unsung and unglamorous jobs. Cleaning the dishes – Washing the linens – Cleaning the restrooms – Vacuuming the carpet (yes we had nasty carpet back then )- All those jobs that can go unnoticed and undervalued. Watching her do those jobs with such care has forever changed my outlook on work. Lourdes now cleans the restaurant daily in the early mornings – takes the bus home – cooks amazing food to have ready for her family – takes the bus back to work to clean/bus tables in the evening.
Early Mornings. Late Nights. Lack of Holidays Off. Her solid gold work ethic embodies her ability to stay at the top of her game. Lourdes NEVER cuts corners or takes a short cut to get done faster. In fact, she does the opposite, taking extra care when cleaning, often times missing the bus. We want to be sure she knows – We See You. We Admire You. We Value Your Hard Work. Anthony Bourdain once said…”If anything is good for pounding humility into you permanently, it is the restaurant business” – We Agree 100%