Meet Viridiana Rios Victoria …Or as we all know her…Viri. Viri is our niece who joined the ranks among us years back…First as a host – Now as a server. She came to the States with her family at the tender age of nine. They showed up with suitcases and a dream. Viri started school, learned English, watched her parents make sacrifices, and basically jumped face first into her new life. I am certain she sometimes felt she was taking a drink from a fire hydrant – But all this has shaped her into the beautiful, smart, strong, practical, independent, disciplined, self-reliant, hard-working, respectful, positive, helpful, young woman she has become. Viri is always poised and displays pure grace under pressure. She invariably comprehended situations at an early age and has an innate wisdom about her. She just naturally understands the world. Viri realizes the principle of the Common Good and has never had a “victim” like mentality. She is fiercely loyal to her friends and family – Family ties truly bind the cultural life. In addition, she has mastered the habit of delaying gratification. She spent the last few years with a dream. To buy a car and ditch the bus. Her dream came true this past Spring. And the best part…She used her hard earned money…And paid cash. Her parents killer work ethic was instilled like a “nail in the head.”